Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Balancing on the Tight Rope of Life: Organization

If you're anything like me, you know that sometimes the responsibilities of life can put a real strain on your free time to work on special projects that you may be inspired with from time to time, hence making it a struggle sometimes to give yourself the space and flexibility to execute successfully. I call this the tight rope because life can make you feel like you're the tightrope walker at your local circus: high expectations from customers, team members, employers, family, members etc, limited runway in many cases, and a heavy load to carry. It can get overwhelming, but the key is balance!!!!

Balance is defined by dictionary.com as "the state equilibrium and the equal distribution of weight."

SO through this week this is what we will strive to develop...a state of equilibrium throughout your areas of responsibility, influence, and projects you are working on...so lets dig in...

The first and most important key in finding balance is ORGANIZATION. Most people settle for working in "organized chaos" where everything is out of order, but it's THEIR order, so they have an understanding of where everything is, when they put it there, and how they placed it. This is fine if you are working on a hobby, but we're talking DESTINY here people, so we have to clean that up!!!

Organization is the foundation for success in any area, so it is imperative that your find a way to organize your life so that you give yourself space to begin developing your dream.

What I had to do is separate my work schedule from my business schedule, writing schedule, family schedule, etc, and literally map out what blocks of time I will work on each area. We run the risk of frustration, stress, and failure when we just try to put everything in the pot and see what boils up first. We have to be intentional in our work otherwise we will not be effective! SO organization of your time, your activities, and focus is paramount if you're going to be successful in your endeavor.

SO here is an Organization exercise...Get your Journal ((I like to use the Steno Pads that flips from top to bottom.)) and on each separate page write the heading of the major areas of your life: Family, Ministry, Business, Work, Books, etc. After you've identified each major area, begin listing your responsibilities within each area so that you can force your mind to focus on one given area at a time. As you write things down don't try to put them in a certain order, just brain dump. As you are writing you'll notice that you will start to feel clear and peaceful, this is what I call attaining mental & soulish clarity. This, if done correctly, will bring with it ideas, concepts, and solutions which is exciting within itself!

So, Step one is Organization, Step 2 is Prioritization..and we'll go over that tomorrow!!! Happy Organizing everyone!!

Keep Running 


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