Well...that is if your unlike me who keeps writing the previous year's numbers well into the next and have to end up scribbling it out.
As we get closer to another year, there is always two emotions that emerge; great joy for a new beginning and angst because of what was not accomplished in rapidly disappearing year
Whether you're feeling a little overwhelmed because your scale is still reading the same lbs as January 1 of this year, or Great excitement about the possibilities and new beginnings of a new year, I'd like to give you some things that you can do to prepare for a dynamic 2014.
1. Review
The saying, " hindsight is 20/20" is appropriate in this first stage because you will have to look back at where you've been this year, what you accomplished, what you didn't accomplish, what you wish you did, and what still remains undone in order to get ready to enter this new year.
This review gives you honest feedback on the things you may have procrastinated on, miscalculated, and things that you did right to give you a good framework of what is necessary on 2014 of you're going to reach your goals.
Looking back at my year, there are plenty of points that I miscalculated, misinterpreted, under delivered, and overserved. If I be honest with myself, there are some things that I went "autopilot" on and there were some things that I took on FULL FORCE.
Like me, You must take the time to give yourself a honest review to avoid repeating the same bad habits to ensure that you build on the strengths and opportunities you have in 2014.
2. Prioritize
What is important? What is not important? An honest review should've given you the alot of the things that you know you need to do more of and what you need to lay to rest.
Prioritizing time for God, Family, Health, Rest, and exploration of new opportunities in the new year will be paramount as you take on a new mindset to begin the new year strong.
Many of my mentors have told me "begin with the end in mind". Which is an indication that if I want to end strong, I must begin prioritizing my priorities so that I cross the finish line stronger than I started!
3. Focus on your Strengths not Weakness
"Whatever you FOCUS on EXPANDS"-David Imonitie
Many people make the horrible mistake of focusing more on their weaknesses and not their strengths. And like a virus in a petri dish, their weaknesses begin to expand and ultimately eat away at the possibility of building on their strengths.
When you focus on your strengths and not yor weaknesses you are letting your opposition know that you will stay the course to reach your goal, rather than allowing shortcomings and failures to define a new year that isn't here yet!
4. Believe
"If you can BELIEVE, ALL THINGS are possible to him that BELIEVES"- Jesus
I cannot tell you how many times I have overcome the odds because I believed! This is going to be essential in your new year.
You have to believe regardless of what's going on around you, regardless of your circumstances, regardless of your past mistakes, you must believe!
Believe BIGGER THAN ANY FEAR in this new year!!