Monday, October 10, 2011


One thing that I've found to be true is that if you are going to WIN, Be successful at you dream, Goal, or aspiration is that you have to make a DECISION and Stay Focused on that decision! I was reminded of this truth on one of my training calls last night...

Many of us wait for people to approve of our endeavors, wait for certain things to iron out before we pursue the dream or goal. Many people use the the infamous "Ill wait till Monday to start!" quote once they are inspired to do something better with their lives. Whether that be in their health, their marriage, their business, etc. Personally I believe Mondays are a Procrastinator's Re-birthday! That is the day when they stretch to begin something for the Hundredth-Millionth Time, JUST to find themselves BACK at the same place..saying.."Ill start on Monday" again...When you Make a decision you have to ACT on that decision IMMEDIATELY!!! 

My farther in the Faith, Bishop IV Hilliard says this in regard of him finding out God's will for all people of God to live blessed, "When I found out that it was God's will for my life to be blessed, I changed IMMEDIATELY" He said that he changed his actions, behavior, and thinking immediately. SO much to the fact that many people thought he was crazy, thought that pressure of lack had went to his head, and that he was on the verge of break down. 

This evidently wasn't the case...he simply got a Revelation of what God's Word said about him (and ALL believers), Made a decision, and ACTED Upon that decision and HARNESSED himself in the fact that "Although I Don't SEE everything now..Its only a matter of time before I do..." He stayed focused on this truth and lives a blessed life today.

In terms of the second ingredient for this formula of success, One of my Business Partners, Bass Grant trained on a concept at one of our meetings of Going 150MPH towards your Goals. He said When you're going 150MPH, you don't have time to look at all of the little stuff that may happen along the way, you have to stay FOCUSED on the road, otherwise, you'll Crash. And so It is with your success...When you Make a decision and chose to run 150 MPH towards the finish line you'll stop waiting for:
  • It to Be Popular 
  • Convenience 
  • The right time 
  • More money to show up
  • Your "Ship" Coming in
  • Someone to Discover you
  • Appreciation from those who don't Like you ANYWAY
  • Acknowledgment from those who you see as Superior
  • Someone to TELL you What to Do
  • You to get more education
  • You to FEEL like doing it...
You have ALL you Need RIGHT now to be the Person God created you to be! "He'll give you more on your way than when you First began!"- Bishop IV Hilliard. So "don't sweat the small stuff." Its a Daily regimen of getting up and doing what is necessary to harness your decision to lose that weight, start that business, begin that book, be that DIAMOND by January, and Live the life you KNOW you were created to Live!

So today..Stop ALL Excuses, take 100% Responsibility for ALL that Happens to you in your pursuit of your goal, and 100% responsibility of everything that DOESN'T Happen! Make the Decision, Stay Disciplined, Focused, and I Guarantee YOU you will get to the Finish line in RECORD Time!

Keep Running!

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