The Video above by one of my mentors, Dr. Myles Munroe, is a Powerful message on The Power of Vision. He tells us that "Vision is a matter of the Heart and not of the eyes" I love that quote because it allows us to ensure that we are seeing through the eyes of Faith and see those things that are not seen at the moment in the natural.
That is LITERALLY walking in Faith and CONFIDENCE in the fact that one day your FULL vision will come to fruition and not only will YOU see what you've ALWAYS seen in your heart...but others will get the privilege of seeing it as well!
Vision is VERY important in our lives. The Bible tells us that "Where there is no VISION, the people perish" Prov 29:18(KJV). Its interesting because the writer of Proverbs tells us that Vision is Literally a determining factor between life or death.
So, I want to ask you...What is Your Vision? Do you, as a Father have a Vision for your household....not those that just live in your home, but the ones you cannot see just yet...Your Grandchildren, and their children, and theirs. Mother DO you have a Vision for your Family, how your son's and daughters will grow up? Do you have provisions for your vision? If you are envisioning your children going to college are you saving for that NOW?! If you are envisioning your body looking a certain way after you've lost the weight, are you actively eating right and pushing your body to the LIMIT in exercise now?
I guess my question REALLY is this...Is Your VISION matching what you are WALKING out? If not...Its Just a Dream! Vision was made to be seen, while dreams just stay in your head!
We have to be SERIOUS about our Vision for our lives, businesses, ministries, families, and the next generation. Take some time this evening to turn off the TV, put the Kids to bed, and ask God ONE question tonight..."What's YOUR Vision for my life Lord, Make it CRYSTAL Clear so that I will Understand!" I guarantee you..What you'll hear will AMAZE you! Write it down, Put a date and time on it, and begin DOING what He shows you!
Love you all! HAve a Good Night!
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