Most people cannot live without their Blackberries, their Iphones, their coffee, their boo, or favorite pass time...but I can honestly say that the ability of hearing the voice of God is one of the single most valuable asset I own. Ive been preaching The Word for about 9 years now..and I can tell you that Hearing His voice is what makes the difference in EVERY one of my messages...but not only in the Business deals, in relationship choices, in major life choices..His voice is the determining factor of my peace in every situation.
But along with hearing the voice of God comes GREAT responsibility because just as clear as I have heard Him... I MUST obey Him just as rapidly. One of the most valuable lessons He taught me years ago is that a person has to have 3 vital ingredients in order to fulfill His call for their lives. These ingredients are to:
- Listen and Hear Clearly
- To OBEY Swiftly
- Submit Uncompromisingly
We talked about Hearing God yesterday, so we'll deal with # 2 & 3 today because they go hand in hand.
While some people recognize and can hear the voice of God...Many don't OBEY The Voice for various reasons. One of the highest reasons is that normally what God tells us to do is contrary to what we WANT to do, or FEEL Like Doing because it challenges our comfort zone for example... Forgiveness....
If we ALL be BRUTALLY honest with ourselves, forgiveness doesn't really feel good. We want the offender to PAY the FULL penalty for their wrong doing, we want them to suffer the same way we did, and get the revenge that is do to them, and WE want to do it...or sit in eye's view while they get their "payback"...but this is NOT forgiveness...
Forgiveness deals with YOU releasing that person both physically, emotionally, and MENTALLY from the "payback" you feel is due to them. It deals with you not having ill feelings towards them when you see them, hear their name, hear their voice, or see their feed on Facebook or Twitter!!! Forgiveness is HARD...but its something that we must extend if we ourselves will be forgiven by God! SO obeying God doesn't always FEEL GOOD...But it's NECESSARY to succeed in your life, and we have to obey SWIFTLY in this!
When we obey swiftly we position ourselves for the blessing far earlier than if we would wait, and postpone, and delay, and procrastinate, etc! I love it when I get fast service at the auto shop and the restaurant because it frees me to get along with my day. Same thing with obedience..the Faster we obey..The closer we get to the realization of our destiny!
When you obey Swiftly, you have the responsibility to submit uncompromisingly!! So, after I have heard God, Obeyed Him, I have to submit to His directives no matter what challenge, struggle, or opposition comes. His instructions to you may be to focus on being a better husband, father, mother, employee, boss, business owner, or leader. It sounds GREAT at first, and you are willing to obey...but are you STILL committed when the challenges come? THAT'S What Submitting Uncompromisingly encompasses..having the "stick-to-it-iveness" to see the end result of you hearing, and obeying God.
SO today I want to challenge you that after you have heard clearly to obey swiftly, and submit uncompromisingly so that you can get to your destination...Faster!
Until tomorrow...Run HARDER!
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