Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hard Conversations

There are problems that we are facing on a daily basis. Ones that can be easily overcome, and others that are somewhat difficult to digest. These problems have a strong part to play in the success or failure of our health, our minds, our families, our churches, our finances, and even our eternal destiny.

We avoid these problems thinking that if ignored that they will somehow disappear and disintegrate into thin air. Us men are very GOOD at ignoring symptoms within our bodies that indicate a possibility of infirmity and in our minds we believe that "Oh it ain't nothin big...I'm Alright". But if truth be told if we continue to ignore the constant problems that we face on a daily basis...friends...they will not get better they WILL get WORSE...

I can recall earlier in my pre-teen and teenage years when the CDs we hitting big in our generation( getting..ol..I Mean WISER!!! :)), that they would send these little pamphlets filled with the latest CDs and even old LPs that they converted to CDs and you could buy "14 CDs for $6.99"... or something like that. Well, I understood that I could get the CDs sent to me and that I could pay later..SO I had a number of them sent to me and I listened to them..And then something awkward happened...THE BILL Came...

In the frailty of my forming mind I thought "Oh..They weren't REALLY serious about me sending in $7 for these..Ill get back to it when I get my lunch money!" Well days went by, Weeks went by, White letters came, blue letters, and even RED letters came to my home with my name on it, and with every month ignored...the amount owed increased in number, making the point clear that:

"This Problem, Torrian, if left unresolved will result in a massive bill that you, in your own strength, will not be able to handle." But I ignored it and resolved that it would take care of itself...And you can guess it...IT DIDNT...that Bill soared to about $120 after fees..etc.
It was a problem...that I failed to have a HARD Conversation with...

Now the Hard conversation that so desperately needed to take place wasn't a conversation that I needed to have with the PROBLEM...No...THIS Conversation needed to be had with the Man in the mirror (did anybody else just hear Michael Jackson go "WHOOO"? lol) And with every month that went by my integrity was on the line. Not really knowing what integrity meant at a young age I simply ignored the unction and as a result those UNRESOLVED Problems followed me into my young adult life.

The avoidance of having these HARD conversations have placed delinquencies on my credit, hindered me from qualifying for better rates, they have ruined people's confidence in me and my word, overdrafted multiple accounts, added unhealthy pounds to my frame, caused me to not achieve higher grades, a blown up engine in my first vehicle, and MANY MANY more things that I could name...

SO while we could look at my life and see what things I avoided in my formative years...Lets take a look at yours...

What Hard Conversations are you avoiding? Is it in your marriage...Your health...your relationships...your business...your ministry...your creditors...your congregation...your children...yourself...

I submit to you that THE HARDEST Conversations that we have to have are those with ourselves...

It was almost two years ago that I had a REAL Hard conversation with myself that jolted me into action...I surveyed my life, my finances, my body, my marriage, my relationships, my credit and I had to come to grips that I had been pressing the ignore button when TRUE Commitment to excellence, prayer, God, fitness, and good stewardship began calling. It was in this hard conversation that I was BRUTALLY honest with myself and began to do ALL that I could within my own power to line up with the Greatness I knew was inside of me.

Now don't get me wrong..I'm not saying go out and SPILL all the beans to anyone and everyone...Hear my heart..What I'm writing today is simply to encourage you to look in the mirror eyeball to eyeball with yourself and have the HARD Conversation that "YOU can be Greater...You Can be can be a GREAT Wife...a Greater Husband...A Greater employee, boss, son, daughter, Father, Mother..Sister or Brother."
Understand that the confrontation of yourself involves the acknowledgement of your weakness and desperate need for God. It is also understanding that only when we humble ourselves that we draw on Divine Power and Strength to help us in our situations.

It provides much peace in KNOWING that the Hardest Conversation that you've had with yourself is simply the first step in reaching for that GREAT LIGHT within you that will shine brightly through the integrity of your word, the genuineness of your heart, the clarity of your thought life, and the potency of your life's fragrance!

Love you all! Keep Running!

Luke 14:28
2 Corinthians 13:5
2 Corinthians 12:10

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