Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This is a CURSE Word in my Book!

THIS WORD...THIS SINGLE WORD... has been one that I've wrestled with for YEARS! (Dont believe me..ask my Momma...)

Have you ever Started something beneficial..and THEN STOPPED...An Exercise program..a Diet..A Book..A Business..A MINISTRY..a prayer life..a FAST..a Relationship??? Did you ever FINISH that project..Did you get to The MIDDLE and then STOP..or did the idea only last ONE time...I know in my life, I have Started and Stopped.. Started and Stopped..Started and Stopped SO many times!!


In my head it was a dirty word, because it actually meant that I would have to put forth purposeful effort in the things I started and APPLY myself DAILY to develop DISCIPLINE (another Dirty word)to reach a desired end that I saw in my head..

Most of us put off things (Procrastination) until we FEEL (Emotions) Like doing it again..I can remember a time where I did P90X for 10 Days lost about 14lbs and figured I had accomplished something because, "Hey..I Lost 14lbs"..But I let the phenomenal results give me a license to chill out and pick it up next week...(which NEVER came BTW)

Y'See...MANY times we get a preview of a result and we see it as Success..and lose sight of the BIG Picture... those results are only a checkpoint in journey of the attainment of our Goals...and we have to develop the mindset to see our desires ALL THE WAY TO THE END!

Consistency is second by second, daily decision that you make toward the attaining of your goal...It requires Focus, WORK, Discipline, Character, and a Plan of Action! Getting started is half the work..NOW "STICK WITH IT"..

Consistency is a necessity in the realization of our goals, our purpose, and to get to our DESTINY... We understand it...But WHY don't we DO IT?

Today as you go through your day..Ask yourself, what projects, what Businesses, what Ministry, what Book, or relationship are you NOT being Consistent in...Identify where you can pick up...and begin your path of consistency by:

Making a verbal and written commitment to yourself AND THE ONE'S WHO WILL BE AFFECTED By Your Decision that you will be consistent NO MATTER WHAT..

Put this written commitment in places where you frequent.. (Refrigerator..Dashboard of your car..Mirror where you brush your teeth..The lamp stand..THE BATHROOM) Put it everywhere..

Start your journey and you'll find that your commitment to consistency will pay you in dividends unimaginable!

John 8:31-32

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